Monday, August 31, 2015

5B.4 Grammar The Verb Venir

  • Use "Venir" with the vocabulary to state who is coming/should come to an event or restaurant
  • Use "Traer" and "Faltar" to discuss what is needed for a party
  1. Warm-Up
  2. Textbook Activities 11-13
  3. Verbs Faltar and Traer
    1. Textbook Activities 11-13
    2. WAVA Activity 13
    3. Faltar table game
  4. Family speaking activity
      1. Planning a party
  1. Core Practice pages 5B-3 and 5B-4 due on Tuesday 9/2

Sunday, August 30, 2015

5B.3 Vocab Review

  • Use "Venir" with the vocabulary to state who is coming/should come to an event or restaurant
  1. Warm-Up
  2. Review/share homework
  3. Videohistoria
  4. Textbook Activities 11-13
  5. Family speaking activity
    1. Planning a party
  1. Core Practice pages 5B-3 and 5B-4 due on Tuesday 9/2

Thursday, August 27, 2015

5B.2 Vocab Practice

  • Use Tener and Ser to describe people
  • Read and create a review of a restaurant experience.
  1. Warm Up: Listening Act 4
  2. Review Homework
  3. Tener VS Ser for discriptions 
    1. Padlet link for Activity 5
  4. Practice Textbook Activities 6-7
  5. Reading Activity 10
    1. Restaurant Review Assignment (Guided Practice Pg 180)
    1. Finish Restaurant Review Assignment (Guided Practice Pg 180)
    2. Vocab Quiz on Tuesday

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

5B.1 Vocabulary Introduction


  • Describe friends, family, and a restaurant table using adjectives and new vocabulary.

  1. Warm Up: Socrative Questions
  2. Vocabulary Listening activities 1-2, audio listening.
  3. Table Setting Activity 9 game
  4. Vocaroo people description activity
    1. Chromebooks/google docs
    2. BBC link
    3. Vocaroo
    1. Vocab Quiz on Tuesday 9/1
    2. Turn in Syllabus by Friday 8/28
    3. Listen to and practice saying the vocabulary list (audio link)
    4. Look up the verb "VENIR" in your vocab list. Write a sentence for each conjugation form.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 3 Intro


  • Complete, Present, and discuss family trees


  1. Warm Up: Family Facts
  2. Media Center: Complete Family Tree assignment
    2. Realidades Textbook website
  3. Group discussion: Family Tree
    1. Present information to class
  4. Eres Tu Maria? Episode 1


  1. Homework 5B-1, 2
  2. Turn in Syllabus by Friday.
  3. Make sure Family Tree Project is turned in.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 2 introductions


  • Students will talk about family members and themselves.

  1. Warm Up: Family questions
  2. Computer orientation
    1. Website
    2. Google Classroom
    3. Student Information form
  3. Family Tree: Create your immediate family tree poster.
  4. Classmate interviews
    1. Create a list of 10 questions, 1 per chapter from Spanish I, for a classmate.
    2. Answer your classmate's questions
  5. Homework:
    1. Work on family tree

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 1 Introductions

Objective: Become familiar with classroom routines and expectations
  1. Warm Up: Ice breaker activity
    1. Interview classmates (Practice with question words)
  2. Classroom Rules
  3. Textbook and workbook signout
  4. Computer orientation
    1. Website
    2. Google Classroom
    3. Student Information form
  5. Family Tree: Create your immediate family tree poster.
  6. Homework:
    1. 1 family member discriptions